ISOFOAM XPS 4 mm and 5 mm
Green Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) with flat surface.
Length: 120 cm (±0,5%)
Width: 50 cm (±0,5%)
Thickness: 4 (±0,25)mm and 5 mm (±10%)
Density: 29 – 32 kg/m3
Thermal conductivity (λ): 0,031 W/mK for 4 mm and 0,028 W/mK for 5 mm
Impact sound insulation (ΔLW): 18 dB for 4 mm and 20 dB for 5 mm
Long term water absorption by immersion: max. 3%
Maximum allowed unevennes of the floor: 1,0 mm for 4 mm and 3,0 mm for 5 mm
Reaction to fire: F
Available: 1,2 m × 0,5 m/pc (6 m2)
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